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Benergy1  Family

Our family has had one person after the other step into our lives and help develop Ben into the man he is today. 

"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans."

- Allen Saunders

Our goal now is to share Ben's story. Telling others that they can be that 1 kind person and change someone else's life. 

1 kind person can change the world!

Diagnosed with Autism at age 2.  I knew only 20 words. I have gone beyond all expectations and am strengthened continually by my faith in God.

My journey began when I started raising money for the Eagles Autism Challenge. After a few years of fund raising I was invited to be a guest on the Ellen show to promote Autism Awareness and raise funds for research. From that moment on I knew my dream was to be advocate for Autism Awareness taking awareness into action.

I am now living that dream by speaking at schools, businesses, and organizations. Sharing my story. How inclusion and kindness shaped my life with autism. I want everyone to know that one kind person can change the world. Go out and Be The One!


Speaking to:

Ben is living his dream speaking full time about his experience with autism. His family has come along side him to help, and provide more detail on his life and the resources needed to help Ben succeed.

Concrete Wall

Sandy & Glenn


The impact a child has on a marriage, and the impact a marriage has on a child.

We want to educate family's with the resources that helped us develop and grow along side Ben. We have links to resources here on the site. We also speak to schools, parent groups, businesses, and organizations about the developmental process of Ben's life and how we got him the help he needs.




Is Ben my responsibility ?

In a household affected by neurodiversity, often the neurotypical siblings are thrust into expectations and responsibility that no child should be expected to handle. I discuss my experience as a neurotypical sibling, while giving advice for parents and siblings alike. Aiming to give siblings the tools that will help them while I speak to parents about what they can do to help their children. 

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One kind person can change the world.

So many people have helped me get to where I am today. My goal now is to give hope to those who seek to help others, while developing kindness and inclusion amongst all people. 

Having autism is not a bad thing it doesn’t characterize who we are, every one is unique and special just like a rainbow

Having autism is not a bad thing it doesn’t characterize who we are, every one is unique and special just like a rainbow

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